Why My Word Of The Year Is GROWTH.

My word of the year is kind of predictable considering my blog is called, All About Growth, however, I just started this blog in November and it is not too late to be about growth but I want to start being more consistent starting January 2020.

So, my word of the year is growth. Which means to "become larger or greater over a period of time; increase." I want to achieve growth in the three elements of this blog: physically, mentally, and financially. By January 2021, I want to say that I worked on myself all around and be proud of that version of myself. While I am confident in myself now, there is so much I want to work on and be more consistent in doing and I know I have so much room and time for growth, so I am excited.

When talking to myself on what I want from obtaining physical growth, I want to be consistent. I want to find a consistent workout schedule. I want to start eating better and drinking more water. The goals currently are to workout 3x a week and on those days eat at least 2 healthy meals. Being that I have a spread-out schedule all over campus, I think it will be easy to drink more water.

When it comes to mental growth, I want to become a more easy-going person. I don't want to stress about things I cannot control. I want to be focused solely on myself and not be caught up in other people's problems that do not involve me. I want to be consistently reading the Bible each week. Also, I want to attend yoga once a week, right now I have it planned to go every Monday.

My financial growth will certainly take the entire year to reach my goals but I know that I will reach those goals set. I want to increase the amount of money I am investing in and the amount of money in my savings. I use Robinhood to invest and I want to be able to have at least 3 stocks in each company I currently have brought into. Also, I want to have at least $10,000 in at least 3 different saving certificate accounts. I think that if I am saving the same amount each month and live based on a budget I have set for myself, I will reach my financial goals.

Thank you for reading this post. I hope that when y'all decide your word of the year you define how you want to live by that word or have the word surround you this year. I chose the word GROWTH because I want to see myself grow and become "greater over a period of time" within the following three aspects: physically, mentally, and financially. And I also wrote down a plan of action in how I want to see myself grow this year. 

So, don't forget when choosing your word have a purpose behind it. Manifest it into your everyday routine. If your word is positivity make sure every morning you go into it thinking you will have a positive day. Speak your word into action and make it part of a mantra to continue to look forward to every upcoming month. Happy New Year!
