It's Alright To Say No

Yes, this is another lengthy blog post. Tips at the bottom for when it's time to say "No."

I just got through the first week of my second semester of college and it has been rough. I live in South Carolina where the weather is about as bipolar as the people and the weather truly messed up my week because I am prone to getting sick with changes in weather. Monday it was thundering and pouring down rain all day, Tuesday rained on and off and was muggy, Wednesday and Thursday felt like summertime everyone pulled out short sleeves and some even had shorts and crop tops on. Friday the temperature dropped to 50 degrees which in South Carolina is freezing.

I say how crappy the weather was because of every weather change last week on top of my horrible allergies caused me to get sick and sicker. I cannot make it out of bed but gotta walk across campus back to back. To connect dots with the point of this blog post is to say I WAS SICK AND TIRED, LITERALLY. The walking, the weather, the classes were a lot this week. I don't know if anyone knows this or not but my first week of the second semester also fell on founders week for the D9 sororities which meant a lot of orgs and events where held and planned out for them. So, trust me when I said over the weekend I was going to take my ass to sleep periodt.

Saturday night I get a call from one of my friends telling me how there is a party and how she wants to get out of her dorm and go have fun. Me, learning how to say no, replies back "I think I am going to stay in tonight." She proceeds to call back two more times telling me she's dressed and ready to go but is waiting on me. I say once again, "I still don't feel good I cannot go out."

I WAS SICK AND TIRED. Yet, why do I feel bad about declining going out, when I really didn't want to go out. As the only friend in the group that brought their car to campus, it can sometimes make me the go-to person for driving but as I said before I am learning to prioritize myself and my health and say sorry I cannot go out, my car is parked. I am not obligated to be the driver and I'm not going to be manipulated into going out.

So, to anyone reading this and have been put in a situation like this in college or in other areas in your life here are my top 5 tips on when to say "No:"

1) You are already booked and busy. Do not overcrowd your schedule when you already have other time commitments in place when someone has asked you to do something for them.
3) You need a mental break. You don't feel good.
4) It's Okay, To Just Not Feel Like Doing Something Someone Asked You To Do. It Is As Easy As That.
5) Whatever that person is asking you would not be reciprocated if you asked them. I know you should do for others but if that person you keep doing for is never doing anything for you and making up every excuse it's time to tell them sorry I can't do it and move on.
